The Importance of Being Focused For Daycare Owners

Many a times we get so caught up in our tasks that we are always fire fighting instead of "functioning" Imagine this, you walk into your daycare centre with a cup of coffee and the minute you walk through the door, your staff comes running to you telling you that the cooker is not working and they are unable to prepare the children's lunch. And as you walk into your room, you see a note stuck to your computer telling you to return call to an angry parent whose child had fallen the day before in your daycare centre and another staff runs to you to hand you a checklist of the items to prepare for your daycare's open house over the weekend. All every important and needs your immediately attention so you get down to it immediately. And by the time you have solved all these problem, 2 hours have past and your coffee has turned cold. Sounds familiar?

Like I was sharing earlier, I began reading Brian Tracy's 21 Secrets of Success and in it, he shared the "law of single mindedness". The law of single mindedness advocates doing one task as a time. How often did we not try to do all the task at one time. In the scenario above, we would have looked at the checklist and try to call the repair man at the same time and immediately after, call the parent. What happens is because we were not focussed on the task at hand and is trying to juggle more than one task, we actually spend more time needing to go back to one of the task because we were unclear or it was incomplete. The law of single mindedness advocates that you should prioritise the tasks and complete one task at a time. Not only will the task be completed in a shorter time, the end result will be more thorough and less sceptible to mistakes.

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