Multiple Representation Principle: It is more effective to use a dual modal approach of present information to daycare children. That means that it is more effective to present a concept or topic in words and pictures rather than solely relying on using words.
Contiguity Principle: When explaining the concept to the daycare children, present corresponding words alongside the pictures rather than separately.
Split-Attention Principle: Instead of presenting both words and pictures visually to the daycare children, present the words auditorily whilst the pictures visually. If both words and pictures are presented visually, it will overload the visual information processing system of the daycare children and thereby reducing information processing effectiveness and retention.
Individual Differences Principle: You need to take into consideration the individual differences of the daycare children especially their prior knowledge. A daycare child who’s had some prior knowledge or exposure of the concept will be able to understand the concept than a child who’s hearing it for the first time as they will be able to immediately associate and visualize the words when presented.
Coherence Principle: It is more effective to use few rather than many words to present a concept or topic to the daycare children. Whenever possible, present the concept or topic in a summarized version.
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